ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采

ViewSonic 2023 Digital Graphic Creation Competition: Reviving the Classic Charm of Xuan-Yuan Sword

創作主題 / Theme



"RISE"有躍升、崛起之意,更是一個與轉變和個人成長相關的動詞。它可以代表個人有可能隨著時間的推移而進化和改變,並且這種轉變過程可以帶來更大的成就感和生活中的成功。而通過“Rise”這一主題,我們希望激發創意人士體會科技技術的進步是如何改變我們看待和體驗這個世界。 讓我們一起崛起,用繪圖藝術的力量創造一個更美好的世界。

RISE” represents the idea that individuals have the potential to evolve and change over time, and this process of transformation can lead to greater fulfillment and success in life.
ViewSonic is dedicated to creating innovative visual solution technology that not only enhances our daily lives but also contributes to a better future. We aim to show the transformative power of technology and inspire creatives to make a significant impact on the world. 
By embracing the theme of "RISE" we hope to inspire creatives to see the difference that technology can make in transforming the way we see and experience the world. Let's rise together and create a brighter world through the power of visual art.

報名投稿 / Submit

競賽方式 / Categories





By using the “Xuan-Yuan Sword” as the creative idea, participants can incorporate divine beasts and weapons as character complements, crafting charismatic humanoid figures and worldviews.

< Professionals >: Should submit posters or illustrations.

< Students >: Should submit a full-body standing drawing of the character

50 shortlist will be selected from the registered participants for each category. The finalist will select 30 honorable mentions from the shortlist and the top three winners in each group.

活動資訊與創作說明 / Submission

評審陣容 / Jury

賽事說明會 / Competition Breifing

贊助廠商 / Supported By


產品資訊 / Product Info

GD1330  13.3 吋繪圖螢幕

  • 8192 階感壓等級,±60°傾角感應,精準呈現細節
  • 觸感近似紙張,自然而真實的書畫體驗
  • 隨插即用 USB Type-C 一線整合
  • 機身輕薄便攜,操作方便好上手
  • 高度軟體相容,如:Photoshop、Illustrator、Clip Studio 等


  ID1230  12吋繪圖螢幕


  • 輕量機身、方便攜帶。重量僅603克,厚度7公釐
  • 8192 階感壓等級,±60°傾角感應,精準呈現細節
  • NTSC 85%、90% Adobe RGB 廣色域,展現細緻影像品質
  • 隨插即用 USB Type-C 一線整合
  • 高度軟體相容,如:Photoshop、Illustrator、Clip Studio 等


PF1020   10吋繪圖板


  • 輕量機身、方便攜帶。重量僅 380 克
  • 8192 階感壓等級,±60°傾角感應,精準呈現細節
  • 隨插即用,USB Type-C 一線整合
  • 搭載 8 個快捷鍵,可依個人需求自訂功能,提高工作效率
  • 高度軟體相容,如:Photoshop、Illustrator、Clip Studio 等


  PF720  7吋繪圖板


  • 輕量機身、方便攜帶。重量僅190 克
  • 8192 階感壓等級,±60°傾角感應,精準呈現細節
  • 隨插即用,USB Type-C 一線整合
  • 搭載 5個快捷鍵,可依個人需求自訂功能,提高工作效率
  • 高度軟體相容,如:Photoshop、Illustrator、Clip Studio 等


使用條款與條件/ Terms and Conditions 















3.活動獎項分別由 ViewSonic、大宇資訊股份有限公司、123RF Limited所贊助。其依據獎項贊助廠商的服務條款以及隱私權政策,贊助廠商保留要求參賽者註冊其服務、產品的權利(如適用贊助獎項的話)。

3-1 參賽資格: 比賽開放參賽時已年滿 18 歲的參賽者以及在學中參賽者參加。贊助商員工、主辦方和其各自的擁有者、母公司、關係企業、董事、子公司、經銷商、代表、廣告商、推廣與產品機構與代理商 (統稱為「比賽實體」),以及其直系家庭人員(如配偶、父母、子女、手足和各自的「重組家人」) 和與其居住於相同家戶的同居者(不論是否有血緣關係),皆符合參加比賽的資格。若法律禁止或有所限制則無效。所有中央和地方法律均適用。參賽會構成參賽者完全且無條件同意正式規則與贊助商和主辦方的決策,此為有關比賽一切事務的最終和具約束力的規範。能否贏得獎項取決於是否滿足本規則所列舉的要求。參賽者和/或可能獲勝者可能需要提供贊助商或主辦方要求的身分和資格證明文件。基於比賽的用途,參賽者的居住地址和電子郵件信箱應在參賽日提交時為實際地址和電子郵件信箱。參賽者無法變更其實際地址或電子郵件信箱。若發現或懷疑參賽者使用多個電子郵件信箱或以多個身分,已註冊或嘗試註冊參加比賽,則該參賽者的所有參賽註冊均宣布為無效,而會撤銷其可能獲得的獎項,無法獲獎。禁止使用任何自動化系統或類似方法參加比賽。企圖使用這些方法將導致該參賽者喪失資格。
3-2如何參加ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采活動: 參賽者將於比賽期間獲得僅一次的參賽機會。若發現或懷疑參賽者獲得或企圖獲得多於上述數目的參賽機會,該參賽者的所有參賽可能宣布為無效,而他/她可能獲獎的獎項不會頒發給他/她,此過程皆由贊助商全權自行決定。若參賽者身分存在爭議,參賽作品身分證持有人為準。
4.如何領取獎項: 於 2023 年 12 月 9 日,至頒獎活動現場領取,若不克前往煩請代理人前往領取,否則視同放棄證書,恕不額外寄送獎項。 (若得獎者為海外參賽者,大會將會寄送額外寄送獎項。)
5.責任限制參賽者 :(未成年則為其父母或法定監護人) 責任限制參賽者(未成年則為其父母或法定監護人)參加比賽,即同意比賽實體與其各自的關係企業、母公司、子公司、代表、顧問、承包商、法律顧問、廣告、公共關係、宣傳、執行和行銷機構、網站提供者、網路管理員與其各自的董事、員工、代表、股東、指定人員和代理商(下稱為「豁免方」),針對下列情形概不負責:遺失、延遲、不完整、遭偷竊、寄送錯誤、郵資不足或未傳送的電子郵件通知或郵件,或者因為電腦、電話、衛星、纜線、網路、電子或網路硬體和軟體的失靈、故障或連線或可用性;傳送資料不正確、損毀或無法辨識、服務提供者/網路/網站/使用網路的可得性和可用性或交通壅塞;其他技術、機械、印刷、排版或其他錯誤;未授權的人為干預;未經授權的刪除、存取或獲取;取得不正確或不準確的註冊資訊;未能取得、遺失或揭露該資訊。豁免方針對任何不正確或不準確資訊概不負責,不論由任何網站使用者、篡改、駭客攻擊導致,或由比賽有關或使用之任何設備或程式導致,且對於任何錯誤、遺漏、中斷、刪除、缺失、延遲作業或傳送、通訊路線故障、技術問題、失竊或損毀,或者未經收權存取或獲得與比賽有關之網站和參賽者資訊,一律不負責任。對於因參與比賽和/或接受或使用獎項有關所導致的參賽者人身傷害,或任何電腦的財產損失,豁免方概不負責。對於透過任何自動化電腦、程式、機制或裝置參與的參賽作品,或者任何超過所述上線的參賽數量或遲到、偽造、丟失、錯置、誤導,篡改、不正確、刪除、損毀、不清楚的參賽錯品,或者其他不遵守正式規則的情況,豁免方概不負責亦無法追究其責人,而符合上述的所有參賽作品可能喪失資格,此由贊助商自行決定。若出於任何原因,比賽無法如預期運行,贊助商保留自行決定取消、終止、修改或推延比賽和/或繼續舉辦比賽的權利,包含以贊助商認為公平合理之方法,從ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采活動徵件所有符合資格的參賽作品中篩選獲勝者,該參賽作品須於取消、終止、修改、推延比賽前收到。不論發生何種情況都不會頒發除正式規則中所述以外更多的獎項。若因為技術、排版、機械或其他問題,導致獲獎者多於正式規則中明訂之數量,將從領獎者中隨機抽籤以決定獲獎者。若出於任何原因,包含但不限於行政、印刷、產品、電腦或其他問題,或者因為技術困難或任何形式的錯誤公布,使得分發的獲獎訊息或者領取的獎項多於根據正式規則擬頒發的獎項,預期獎項將從所有收到的已驗證領獎要求中,隨機抽籤進行頒發。比賽受所有中央和地方法律規範。 每個參賽者(未成年則為其父母或法定監護人)參加比賽,即同意:(i) 受正式規則、所有適用法律與贊助商和主辦方的決策約束,該決策應為最終決議且具約束力 (ii) 放棄對正式規則提出歧意的權利;(iii) 放棄對與比賽有關的任一豁免方,提出索賠、採取法律行動和訴訟的權利;(iv) 永久且不可撤回地同意任一豁免方,免於下列原因引起之任何和所有索賠、官司、判決、訴因、訴訟、請求、罰款、罰金、責任和費用 (包含但不限於合理的外部律師費):(a) 比賽,包含但不限於與比賽相關的活動或其中部分,以及參賽者參與ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采,包含任何提供的資訊、參與或無法參與比賽、(b)侵犯第三方隱私權、資料安全、個人、公開或專有權利、(c) 正式規則或任何比賽資料中的排版或印刷問題、(d) 使用獎項 (或其中任何內容物) 有關的接受、出席、獲得、旅行、參與、交付、持有、瑕疵、使用、未使用、誤用、無法使用、遺失、損毀、過失或故意不當行為、(e) 因無法提供或超出贊助商控制範圍,對獎項 (或其中任何內容物)進行變更,包含但不限於任何不可抗力因素、政府或半政府實體之行動、法規、命令或要求(不論該行動、法規、命令或要求是否無效)、設備故障、受恐怖行動威脅或實際的恐怖行動、地震、戰爭、火災、水災、爆炸、極端惡劣天氣、颶風、禁運、勞資爭議或罷工(不論合法或非法)、勞動力或原物料短缺、任何類型的交通中斷、工作效率降低、騷亂、叛亂、暴亂,或其他任何超出任一豁免方可控制的原因,或者其他正式規則允許的情況、(f) 針對優惠活動被中斷或延期、取消或修改的狀況、(g) 人為錯誤、(h) ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采徵件任何參賽作品的任何部分,不正確、未授權或不準確的轉錄、收取或傳輸(包含但不限於註冊資訊與其中的任何部分)、(i) 網站、任何電話網路、電腦系統、電腦線上系統、行動裝置、電腦記錄時間和/或日期的機制、電腦設備、軟體或網路服務提供者,或者豁免方或參賽者使用的郵件服務之的任何技術故障或無法使用、(j) 因硬體或軟體相容性問題導致的中斷或無法存取比賽、網站或其他與比賽相關的任何其他網站,或者網路的線上服務、(k) 參賽者(或任何第三人) 用於存取比賽和/或相關或衍生內容之設備上的任何損壞、(l) 任何遺失/延遲的資料傳輸、遺漏、中斷、缺失,和/或任何其他問題或故障、(m) 任何遲到、遺失、失竊、不全、誤導、延遲、不清楚、損毀、銷毀、不完整、無法寄送或損壞的參賽作品、(o) 遺失、遲到、失竊、誤導、損壞或損毀的獎項 (或其中的任何內容物)、或 (p) 參賽者的過失或故意不當行為。 不限制上述內容下,有關比賽的所有事項,包含網站和獎項內容物,均按「原樣」提供,沒有任何類型的明示或暗示之保證,包含但不限於有關適銷性、適用於特殊用途或不侵權的暗示保證。某些司法管轄區可能不允許限制或豁除附隨性或衍生性損壞的責任,或豁除暗示保證,所以上述某些限制或豁除可能無法適用。有關限制或豁除,請查看地方法律的任何限制。
6.爭議: 比賽僅根據台灣法律進行管理和解釋,且應屬台灣新北市地方法院的專屬管轄。任何索賠的救濟方式應僅限於實際損失,且在任何情況下,任一方均無權復原懲罰性、懲戒性、衍生性或附隨性損害,或擁有倍增或以其他方式增加的損害,包含律師費用或其他與提出索賠、撤銷本協議或尋找禁令或其他公平救濟有關的費用。參賽者同意,任何參賽者和/或比賽實體和/和其他一方應單獨行使權利和履行義務,而不訴諸任何形式的集體訴訟。任何仲裁請求應於比賽期間結束起的 3 個月內提出,否則將永遠禁止基於該訴因提出仲裁。此外,參賽者特此放棄以下權利:(i) 要求索賠懲罰性、懲戒性、特殊、附隨性、間接和衍生性損害,以及任何其他損害 (不論過失或其他原因),除實際支付成本外;以及 (ii) 讓損害賠償倍增或以其他形式增加。參賽者同意,任何參賽者和/或比賽實體和/和其他一方應單獨行使權利和履行義務,而不訴諸任何形式的集體訴訟。
7.隱私權政策: 徵件活動中於參賽者參賽期間收集的資訊,應由贊助商或指定人員收集,且由贊助商、關係企業、指定人員、代理商和銷售人員,根據如 中所述的贊助商隱私權政策,將資訊用於正式規則中所述的比賽適當管理和執行。儘管上述內容另有說明,所有參賽者的姓名、電話及電子郵件信箱將分享給贊助商的行銷夥伴,僅供其寄送各自未來銷售和促銷活動的後續電子郵件通知。參賽者知悉且同意,參與比賽即代表將收集其姓名、電話及電子郵件信箱,並分享給贊助商的行銷夥伴。
8.公開權: 參賽者 (若未成年則為其父母或法定監護人) 參與比賽和/或接受獎項,即同意允許贊助商和/或贊助商指定人員擁有永久權利,隨時隨地於已知媒體或包含電視直播的後來開發之媒體上,包含但不限於全球資訊網和網路,使用其姓名、資訊 (行銷應用之用途)、生平資料、照片和/或肖像,以及促銷、貿易、商業、廣告和公開目的的聲明,而不需通知、檢閱或核准,除法律禁止外亦無需額外報酬。
9/一般: 除本文所述之方式外,任何企圖參與比賽的形式皆為無效。在贊助商全權自行評斷的狀況下,可能發現或懷疑參賽者使用多個電子郵件信箱、帳戶、多重身分、Proxy 伺服器或其他相似方式,報名或企圖報名多於一次。在此情況下,該參賽者於 ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采的所有參賽作品均宣布無效,而該參賽者將失去贏得獎項的資格。同樣的,若發現參賽者企圖獲得超過規定數量的 ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采的額外參賽機會,該參賽者可能從比賽中喪失資格,此亦由贊助商自行評斷。若獲獎者身分存在爭議,ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采的獲勝作品,將宣布由為該作品有關之註冊表上提交的身分證持有人擁有。「授權帳戶持有人」定義為自然人,其電子郵件信箱由網路存取提供者、線上服務提供者或其他組織 (如商業或教育機構) 指定,上述人員負責指定電子郵件信箱給與提交的電子郵件信箱有關之網域。贊助商和主辦方若自行認定有個人篡改比賽運作、違反正式規則、不具備運動家精神或企圖干擾比賽運作的狀況,將保留取消其資格的權利。使用機器人、自動化、巨集、程式化、第三方或其他類似方式參與比賽,將導致受該方式影響的嘗試參賽失效,而使用該方式的個人則喪失資格。警誡與警告:任何企圖故意損害網站或破懷比賽合法運行之行為,屬違反刑法和民法的行為。若企圖這麼做,贊助商保留在法律許可的最大範圍內,向應負責之行為人尋求損害賠償或其他救濟措施的權利。若正式規則的任何條款,或其中的字、詞彙、子句、句子或其他部分,基於任何原因無法執行或無效,則應修改或刪除該條款或其中部分,以使正式規則其餘部分為有效且可執行。正式規則中的任何條款與獎項文件無效或無法執行,將不影響其餘條款的效力和執行。 贊助商和/或主辦方對正式規則的詮釋為最終詮釋,且對有關比賽的一切事宜具有約束力。若贊助者或豁免方無法執行正式規則中的任何條款,不代表該條款的效力就此被豁除,且該條款仍保持完整效力。所有 ViewSonic 2023 電腦繪圖創作競賽:再現軒轅劍經典風采的參賽作品和/或提交的資料,均由贊助商所有,且不會退還。若正式規則包含之比賽詳細資料與任何宣傳資料 (包含但不限於銷售點、電視和紙本廣告、宣傳包裝和其他宣傳媒體) 包含之比賽詳細資料間有所牴觸,應以正式規則中所規範之比賽詳細資料為準。


Important Notes
1.This event website is only for the use of this event.
2.The contest organizer and collaborating partners of the special competition have the right to publicly display, reproduce, and redistribute the photos and content uploaded by participants for free. No separate authorization from participants is required.
3.According to the regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan) tax law, winners who receive prizes exceeding 20,000 New Taiwan Dollars are required to pay 10% income tax. The organizing committee will withhold 10% income tax in advance. Winners who receive prizes valued at 1,001 New Taiwan Dollars or more must include it in their annual personal income tax. Individuals who do not reside within the territory of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (i.e., citizens and foreigners who do not reside in the Republic of China (Taiwan) for at least 183 days) are subject to a 20% withholding tax on prize winnings, regardless of the prize amount. Winners need to provide a photocopy of their identification card as the basis for reporting. All qualifications for winning are subject to verification and approval by the organizing committee to be valid.
4.If participants require proof of participation from the organizing committee, they must fill out an application form and pay an application fee of one hundred New Taiwan Dollars.
5.Winning qualifications cannot be transferred or sold to others.
6.Works that do not meet the selection criteria will not be publicly displayed on the internet and participants will not be separately notified of the reasons for non-publication.
7.In case of changes in the registration method or work specifications, the latest information on the event website will be considered authoritative.
1.The registration period for works and the announcement of review results may be subject to temporary changes.
The contest officials have the right to delete inappropriate comments regarding the submitted works.

Terms and Conditions Statement
1.Participation in this activity and winning prizes do not require any payment. Purchasing products or paying fees will not increase the chances of winning for participants.
2.Invalid where prohibited by law or restricted.
3.The activity prizes are sponsored by ViewSonic, D-Link Corporation, and 123RF Limited. Sponsors reserve the right to require participants to register for their services or products (if applicable to the sponsored prizes) based on the terms of service and privacy policies of the sponsoring companies.
3-1 Eligibility: Participants must be 18 years of age or older at the time of entering the competition, or enrolled in school. Employees of sponsors, organizers, and their respective owners, parent companies, subsidiaries, directors, dealers, representatives, advertisers, promotion and product agencies, and agents (collectively referred to as "Entities") and their immediate family members (including spouses, parents, children, siblings, and their respective "reconstituted families") and cohabitants living in the same household, whether related by blood or not, are eligible to participate. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. All federal and state laws apply. Participation constitutes complete and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and decisions of the sponsors and organizers, which are final and binding in all matters related to the competition. The ability to win a prize is contingent upon meeting the requirements outlined in these rules. Participants and/or potential winners may be required to provide proof of identity and eligibility documents as requested by sponsors or organizers. For the purpose of the competition, participants' residential address and email address must be actual addresses and email addresses at the time of entry. Participants cannot change their actual address or email address. If it is discovered or suspected that a participant is using multiple email addresses or identities to register for or attempt to register for the competition, all of that participant's registration entries will be declared invalid, and any potential prizes may be forfeited and not awarded. The use of any automated systems or similar methods to participate in the competition is prohibited. Attempts to use such methods will result in disqualification.
3-2 How to Participate in the ViewSonic 2023 Computer Graphics Creative Contest: Reproducing the Classic Charm of Xuan-Yuan Sword Event: Participants will receive one opportunity to participate during the competition period. If it is discovered or suspected that participants have obtained or attempted to obtain more opportunities than the specified number, all entries of such participants may be declared invalid, and any prizes they might have won will not be awarded to them. This process is solely at the discretion of the sponsors. If there is a dispute over the identity of a participant, the registered identity holder on the submission form for the winning entry of the ViewSonic 2023 Computer Graphics Creative Contest: Reproducing the Classic Charm of Xuan-Yuan Sword Event will be deemed the owner.
4.Prize Redemption: The prizes will be collected on-site at the award event on December 9, 2023. If unable to attend, winners are requested to send a representative; otherwise, the certificate will be forfeited, and no additional delivery of prizes will be made. (For overseas winners, additional shipping arrangements will be made by the organizers.)
5.Limitation of Liability for Participants: (If a minor, their parents or legal guardians) Participants agree that Entities, including their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, representatives, consultants, contractors, legal advisors, advertising, public relations, promotion, executive and marketing agencies, website providers, internet service providers, network administrators, directors, employees, representatives, shareholders, designated individuals, and agents, are not responsible for: losses, delays, incompleteness, theft, delivery errors, insufficient postage, or non-transmission of email notifications or mail; failures, malfunctions, or unavailability of computers, telephones, satellites, cables, networks, electronic or network hardware and software, inaccurate data transmission, data damage or unintelligibility, availability and usability of the network/website/online network usage or traffic congestion; other technical, mechanical, typographical, or other errors; unauthorized human intervention; unauthorized deletion, access, or retrieval; obtaining incorrect or inaccurate registration information; inability to provide or alteration of prizes (or any component thereof) beyond the control of sponsors; or any circumstances beyond the control of any Entity, or any conditions allowed by these Official Rules.
Entities are not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, regardless of whether caused by any website user, tampering, hacking, or any other method that causes unauthorized access or capture of information related to the competition, or by any equipment or programming associated with or used in the competition. Entities are not responsible for any personal injury or property damage caused by participation in the competition and/or the acceptance or use of prizes. Entities are not responsible for any contest submissions that are submitted through any automated computer, program, mechanism, or device, or any submissions that exceed the specified entry quantity, or are late, forged, lost, misplaced, misleading, altered, incorrect, deleted, damaged, unclear, or that do not comply with these Official Rules; and all such entries may be disqualified, as determined by sponsors. If for any reason the competition is not capable of running as

"Sponsors and/or organizers have the final interpretation of the official rules and authority over all matters related to the competition."

本活動乃由 ViewSonic 主辦,你所提供的資料僅供管理本活動使用。